The accompanying User Lists detail all known users of the TIM ticket machine, issuing operator-titled tickets, for road transport operators in the UK and Ireland. Information in the main has been gleaned from the writer’s own ticket collection combined with an exhaustive search of Transport Ticket Society and predecessor Journals from 1947 to date. Operators solely using secondhand machines not adapted to print the new operator’s title are not listed. Machines are listed in batches showing unique identifying characteristics, usually involving changes in printing plate typography. The minimum information required to identify individual batches is given – the listing is not intended to be an exhaustive treatise on the fine differences in detail that may be found on the printed ticket. In order to make the list manageable, odd machines within a batch that have non-standard printing plates are ignored.
Notes on the tabulated information.
Title on the ticket
The exact rendition is given even including the odd extraneous full stop (eg WARRINGTON. C.T.D.).
Machine number (M/c no)
For each batch, the lowest and highest machine numbers seen or known are listed.
Introduction (Intro)
Pre = pre-war (generally with text in thin typeface on the printing plate)
Post = post-war (generally with text in thicker typeface on the printing plate)
Where no date is given the machines are post-war
LR = Long Range (“Major”)
SR = Short Range (“Standard” for pre-war machines)
T / M
T = Machine number set with a standard Typeface
M = Machine number in handwritten Manuscript style
This classification is used mainly to differentiate post-war machines manufactured in the 1940s and 1950s. In general terms, “M” machines date from 1948-1952 and “T” machines from 1952/3 onwards. The classification is dispensed with for later machines (they are virtually all “T”).
See notes above. The minimum detail to identify individual batches is given. TTS Journal references are shown thus :- [456/1978]
Data for the period 1932 – 1955 is necessarily sparse with much detail still to be consolidated. Reporting of any information that extends or corrects any data listed in the main document will be much appreciated. Coloured scans of tickets will be particularly welcome, the preferred format being “good” quality JPEG at a resolution of 150dpi.
David Aspinwall
April 2006
USER LISTS with illustrations. Click to view.
DOWNLOADS (right click and select "Save As")
Complete User List (A-Y) (MS Excel) 173KB
Images A1 (Abbey/Aberdare/Aberdeen) (JPEG).zip 297KB
Images A2 (Accrington - Atomic Energy) (JPEG).zip 852KB
Images B (B&S - Bury) (JPEG).zip 2364KB
Images C (Cardiff - Cunningham) (JPEG).zip 1232KB
Images DE (Darlington - Empire Exhibition) (JPEG).zip 1220KB
Images FGHIJK (Felix - Jersey) (JPEG).zip 1588KB
Images L (LUT - Lowestoft) (JPEG).zip 1661KB
Images M (M&M - Morley) (JPEG).zip 1289KB
Images NOP (Naylor's - Primrose) (JPEG).zip 1422KB
Images R (Ramsbottom) (JPEG).zip 1826 KB